Event Registration


FAQ & Support

Have questions? Want to see what questions others have already asked? Visit our UserEcho portal by clicking the button above.



Ideas & Help

Click ‘Ideas & Help’ to view projects other young people have been working on and get resources on projects that you could bring to your community, as well as getting connected with mentors and leaders who can support you in taking your idea to the next level.


Community Coordinators

Our National Youth Arts Week Community Coordinators and Youth Mobilizers are located in different communities across the country.  Read on to find out more about these amazing youth artists and leaders who are working hard to make National Youth Arts Week a reality. 

If there’s one in your city or community, feel free to contact them directly with inquiries and exciting ideas. If you don’t have a coordinator in your area, click here to find out how you can recruit one.


See where National Youth Arts Week is happening around you:


We're excited you're planning an event!


Please enter your email. This will be your initial username in our system-- you'll need it to edit events details.
Please enter a desired password. You will be able to change this later.
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Exact address of where the event will take place (allowing us to accurately map the event. If you don't have the address yet, this can be changed later.)

Will show as description on event listings and also as a bolded intro at top of event page.

Public contact info

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Enter your National Youth Arts Week username.
Enter the password that accompanies your username.