During National Youth Arts Week in Saskatoon, Write Out Loud and WordPlay will be collaborating on an exchange with the help of the Saskatchewan Arts Board and their Creative Partnerships program, funded by SaskCulture and Saskatchewan Lotteries.
Leading up to NYAW, three Write Out Loud spoken word artists from Saskatoon will have spent time in Vancouver, immersed in their well-established culture of creative performance and youth outreach. During NYAW, three WordPlay spoken word artists from Vancouver will be in Saskatoon to share their knowledge and experience, engaging Saskatoon's young leaders in development through creative expression and community outreach.
Spoken Word Canada, a.k.a. SpoCan, is an organization of spoken word performers and organizers. Formed from a committee of city representatives at the 2004 Canadian Spoken Wordlympics in Ottawa, Ontario, SpoCan’s mission is to “nurture, develop and advance spoken word artists, the professional spoken word community and the art of spoken word in Canada."
SpoCan sponsors three national slam tournaments, including the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word in October, Verses Festival of Words in April, and YouthCanSlam in August. For more information aboutSpoCan, visit their website at www.spokenwordcanada.com.