Featured Coordinator-Andy from New Glasgow

Andy Cunningham has been working hard to build the arts community in his hometown of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Over the past two years one of Andy's projects has been Art at Night May 3, during National Youth Arts Week. Art at Night is where artists gather throughout historic downtown New Glasgow to display a plethora of human creativity for spectators to hop from venue to venue, store front to store front. Everything from painting, sculture, music, and any form of imagination, and self-expression.
"Organizing New Glasgow's Art at Night as part of National Youth Arts Week is one of the main reasons that I am doing what I am doing now. Young artists having the chance to take part in such a large event in their town gives me so much motivation to continue making the arts community a bigger and better thing." - Andy
Since National Youth Arts Week Andy has opened Eventide Art Hub, a not-for-profit Art Center, in New Glasgow. Eventide Art Hub exists to support and promote the creation and sharing of all forms of art. Eventide Art Hub consists of: Look Up Art Gallery, Intentions Art Market, Artist Studios, and New Glasgow's Art at Night.
"We're going to be doing New Glasgow's Art at Night again this year for National Youth Arts Week 2014. Over the past two years, Art at Night has been a wonderful experience, and I am excited for the 3rd annual event in May."
Eventide will be one of the many venues used for Art at Night. Learn how to organize your own art night with our Youth Arts Toolkit: How to set-up Artistic Storefronts. For videos and more about New Glasgow's Art at Night visit (www.artatnight.ca)